How grey can it get?

 I have not seen any sunlight for a couple days now - how grey can it get?

Not sure which month is more depressing, January or February? It's hard to say. Some people say, at least there is a Valentine's Day in February !! To be honest, Valentine's Day doesn't mean anything to me - not being bitter but it just doesn't. I'm in love with myself everyday 😁Okay, it's been 7 years now since I live alone and 95 percent I love it. Occasionally, I might feel a little melancholy, especially in the evening as it's getting dark - there is a hush and for one moment I feel that there is someone - someone is thinking of me. 

Have you ever felt something like that? The thing is I'm so content with the way I am and the life I'm living. I don't consider myself lacking of anything but...I feel empty sometime... but I would rather die

than having to be with someone out of desperation. Although I know that there is definitely someone out there who I have been connecting to since I can remember but perhaps the universe wants me to be on my own so that I can work things out. 

And this is what I'm getting at... On Sunday evening, I felt melancholy all of a sudden after watching some videos on YouTube like Real synchronicities: a look at twins and the rule of three and Pythagorean numerology: 4 principles that just might change your life and etc. It'd got me thinking. Here is the list of 

people who live alone can do -

1. unlimited video calls to friends who are also single 

2. sleep in single bed

3. Time to self discovery amd self love 

You know there’s tons of them but I’m going to list only those three because it’s taken me so long already to write this and it seems I’m losing the plot  😩 I don’t seem to be able to finish what I wanted to write in the first place and it’s so typical of me but hmm should I bother ? 
