Decluttering my past
Having been spoilt by my family and friends after twenty odd years of being away on my own certainly got me thinking (a lot) And I feel like I won’t be able to write down everything that has been through my thoughts these past few weeks therefore without going into boring details, I will try to condense it and make it’s brief.
I’ve found the answers to many questions. First of all I understand why I have left my home country where it seems I have everything and have settled down somewhere so far away and without any support from family and friends.
It’s a about personal growth, spiritual growth, self discovery, taking responsibilities and self love, unconditional love, compassion and more. I need to be out of my comfort zone to be able to experience and achieve all of the above and more. It’s like the universe put me in a classroom and make me learn lessons and at the end I will have to past the tests (many of them) If I don’t pay attention then I won’t pass the exam and I will have to repeat class. In the end, if I pass all the courses I will earn my degree and then I can go home. It’s only a metaphor.I’m glad to say, I think I’ve fixed my inner child and decluttered my past. Things I have left for a closure for so many many years. I feel much lighter now. You have to face it and you have to do it and you will feel much better for it. I do, I do, I do.
The pictures have got nothing to do with my writing but I like them.
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