Actually spring isn't quite here

 I know we can't expect the weather to be warm at this time of the year but each year we’re always pushing for spring to come earlier and earlier. We had some frost this morning after a couple days of warm weather. And if you can guess, the picture above is a bird's foot prints on a frosted fence. I love it - I think it's very cute.

Also , when I took my dog, Snoopy for a walk I saw some tiny frozen toadstools  - and that was very cute too.

It was a cold but very nice morning, especially when the sun came out. 
But I noticed that there were a lot of clouds in the sky - so, yes we had some rain in the afternoon but it was still cold - the worst kind of cold - it's a sort of cold and wet put together.
on the way home, I saw a bird of prey. He was on a fence post by the side of the road. But as soon as I stopped the car to take a photograph of him, he flew off and went onto a branch of tree further. I could only manage  to capture him turning his back to me. But I was very happy just that.
When I got home I found a ladybird in my house. He must've been hatched on that warm day. I tried to feed him a leaf of cabbage but he didn't like it. I hope he finds the way to be happy, knowing his life circle is very short - I'm sad he didn't like cabbages and didn't get a chance to enjoy the sun .
I so love, love, love being connected to nature - not that I would go touching cockroaches or caterpillars but it’s the awareness that we are all connected and sharing spaces - it makes me feel less alone somehow. All of those makes me more connected to myself which is also important to me   😍
