international Women’s Day

Yesterday was the International Women’s Day. I didn’t know until a friend told me.  I don’t really set store by any made up special occasions but I think the international women’s Day might will be a special day from now on because twice now that something happened to me on the day which was purely a coincidence. 
A couple of years ago, on the International Women’s Day I decided to drop a toxic friend who I had been friend with since university. Then yesterday I stopped being a vanilla and confront an ill mannered and mentally unstable (one minute nice then horrible next 🙄) colleague who had been rude to me for a long time and I felt so justified - I even reported her to the manager which I’m sure she won’t do anything about it but at least I stood up for myself and I didn’t even feel bad or upset. I didn’t feel like I was a victim or wanted to cry. I just thought to myself and also said it - who do you bloody think you are talking to me like that ? ….. take that bitch 😂 do you know 80% of bullying at work is by women to women. I certainly believe it but don’t quote me I read it from an article. 
A message from whoever out there - don’t be afraid of them - the bullies are actually low self esteem scumbags and cowards. Make them think twice before they even think of bully you again. 
